EXCLUSIVE TRENDS HAIR SL, hereinafterCosméticos de la Rosa, with registered office at Avenida Severo Ochoa, 19- 15008, A CORUÑA with CIF B-10629798 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of A Coruña, Volume 3785 of the General Archive, Folio 57, Page C-61986, Inscription 1a, is the owner of this web page.

You can contact through the aforementioned address or through emailcontacto@cosmeticosdelarosa.com.


These conditions are intended to regulate the use of electronic sales services of the different goods and services offered by the Owner through the web. The clauses listed below make up the framework contract that all users who access the page www.https://cosmeticosdelarosa.com/en/ are obliged to know and accept. For the sole purposes of these general conditions, the expression "user" includes any internet user who accesses the website.

The services offered by the Holder will be regulated by the conditions contained in this contract. The Owner reserves the right to modify, totally or partially, these general conditions, being applicable the new ones agreed from the moment of their publication on the page. In any case, the aforementioned modifications will not have retroactive effects on the goods or services previously contracted by the users. These General Conditions bind both parties and form an integral and inseparable part of the sales contract whose effectiveness operates at the time of signing the order at the request of the client, through the contracting mechanisms that will be specified later, all in accordance with the provisions of art. 1,255 of the Civil Code that includes the principle of the autonomy of the will and agreements between the contracting parties. For all purposes, it will be understood that the user accepts the conditions and rules of use related here from the moment in which he places an order.


1. The use of this web space is subject to full acceptance by the user of these General Conditions of Use, or of those that are in force at each time the user accesses it.

2. Only access to the Web is allowed, as well as its use for lawful purposes, adjusting its use at all times to these General Conditions, the applicable law at all times, as well as morality, good customs and public order. The Owner reserves the right to withdraw access to this site, without prior notice, to any user who contravenes the provisions of this legal notice, as well as to inform the competent authorities of the performance of activities that could be constitutive of crime.

3. The Owner reserves the unilateral right to modify these General Conditions of Use at any time, as well as any other general or particular conditions of its website. It also reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration and location of the Web, as well as the content and the conditions required to use them.

4. The User acknowledges that access to this site is made under their free consent and is their sole responsibility.

5. The user of the website will have the right to free and open access to the public information collected on it, although the Owner reserves the right to restrict access to information, promotions and special offers to its registered customers.

6. In order to place orders on the website, each client will provide the Owner, voluntarily and under their responsibility, with their personal data. All personal data provided by customers fraudulently or falsely may be considered a crime of falsifying commercial documents.

7. There are certain parts of the website whose access is reserved for registered users, through a user ID and password. Unregistered users can visit the public sections, never having to try to access the restricted access sections, unless they have been authorized by assigning a user ID and password.

8. The Holder may offer the client a personal registration system through access credentials to facilitate the client's future purchase operations, the user committing to its conservation and custody. The Holder is exempt from any responsibility derived from the incorrect use or negligence on the part of the client in the fulfillment of his obligation of confidentiality of his access codes.

9. The Owner reserves the right to terminate this web service at any time with no further requirement than the notice in these conditions 15 days in advance.


1. The Owner cannot guarantee the permanent availability of the service offered by this site, nor is it responsible for any damages caused or that may occur in the future, nor for technical defects, whatever their nature, arising of the use of the information contained in this website.

2. The Holder has implemented technical and organizational measures, however, the Holder cannot guarantee the absolute invulnerability of its information systems, for which it excludes any type of responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the presence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the computer system (software and hardware), electronic documents and files of the user or of any third party, including those that occur in the services provided by third parties through this portal.

The Owner makes every effort to offer the information contained on the website truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event that at any time an error of this type occurs, beyond the control of the Holder at all times, it will be corrected immediately. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices displayed and a customer has made a purchase decision based on said error, the Owner will notify the customer of said error and the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost on their part. The contents of the web could, on occasions, show provisional information about the nature of some products. In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the characteristics of the product, the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost on their part.

The Owner is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any of the information, content, statements and expressions contained in the products marketed on the Web. Said responsibility rests at all times with the manufacturers or distributors of said products. The client understands that the Holder is a mere intermediary between him and said manufacturer or distributor.

3. The civil liability of the Holder for the products supplied is limited to the amount thereof, the user or consumer waives claiming any responsibility to the Holder for any concept in any case of dissatisfaction with the products purchased, as well as possible failures, slowness of access or errors in accessing the web, including loss of data, or other information that may exist in the computer or network of the user who accesses https://cosmeticosdelarosa.com/en/


1. The industrial and intellectual property of any logos, emblems, or any element incorporated in the design of this site belongs exclusively to the Owner or to any of the wholesale companies and manufacturers of the products and services offered. The User acknowledges and accepts these rights. The elements of this website on which the Owner does not have intellectual or industrial property rights are used with the corresponding permission. Therefore, they are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights and protected by Spanish and international legislation.

2. The reproduction of all or part of the content of the Website is prohibited, as well as its transmission in any form or by any means, unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Owner.

3. It is not allowed to elude the copyright on the rights of the Holder, as well as to elude or try to elude the systems that there are or may be for the protection of the contents.

4. Any violation of the intellectual or industrial property rights of this portal or the elements of the Owner will be subject to the appropriate legal measures to achieve their protection.

5. The consultation or download of the contents of the page or of any software will not imply the transfer of any intellectual or industrial property rights over them. The viewing, printing and partial downloading of the content of the website is authorized only and exclusively if the following conditions are met: (i) It is compatible with the purposes of the website; (ii) That it is not carried out for commercial purposes or for its distribution, public communication or transformation; (iii) That none of the contents of the website is modified; and, (iv) That no graphic, icon or image available on the web be used, copied or distributed separately from the text or the rest of the images that accompany it.

6. All information received on these pages, such as comments, suggestions or ideas, will be considered freely given. Do not submit information that cannot be treated in this way.

7. All third-party links to the Web must be to its main page, "deep links", "framing" and any other use of the contents of the Web in favor of unauthorized third parties being expressly prohibited.

8. The responsibility derived from the use of materials protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties contained in this page in an illegal way or that transgresses morality, honor or privacy, will correspond exclusively to the user, exempting in any case the Owner. from any liability arising from such conduct.


1. The Owner informs that the Web is hosted in Spain, the country in which it offers its services, and therefore the only applicable legislation to resolve any conflict regarding the interpretation of these conditions is Spanish legislation, as well as the Treaties Internationals that Spain has subscribed.

2. By accepting these General Conditions, the user submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of A Coruña, except in cases where the forum corresponds to the buyer's domicile.


The treatment and use of personal data are regulated in the specific section “Privacy Policy”.


If you wish to clarify any aspect about the conditions of use described, you can contact the addresses indicated above or 981 160 055 if you do it by phone.

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