At Cosméticos de la Rosa we have more than 30 years of experience in the sale and distribution of hairdressing and professional aesthetics, if you are interested in this sector, you may want to work with us. To work at Cosméticos de la Rosa :

Send an e-mail to with your CV and we will contact you as soon as there is a free position that suits your profile.

*In case you send us an email with your information and attached CV, you consent to the processing of this data in order to carry out a selection of candidates by the entity. The data provided must be truthful and exact and any modification thereof must be communicated to the person in charge of the file. By making the shipment you declare yourself informed, consent and expressly authorize ASORAL COSMÉTICOS SL to incorporate in a file of its ownership and process the data obtained, by reason of the shipment, as well as any other data that may be provided in the future, to use them in the present and future selection processes carried out. The data provided may be subject to segmentation, analysis and study. By sending your personal data, you expressly authorize the entity to be able to send, through electronic communications (email, SMS, or any new means of electronic communication) promotions related to the entity's job offers. You can exercise your rights of access, opposition, rectification and cancellation in the terms provided by Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data by letter and attaching a photocopy of your DNI to the following address: ASORAL COSMÉTICOS SL, Data Protection Department, Travesía Portiño Office Module, Nave II, 15.140, Suevos, Arteixo, La Coruña or by email to the following address

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European transit in 3-4 business days

Envío gratis

Free shipping

Free delivery in Spain and Portugal from 30 euros

Pago seguro

Secure payment

100% secure and reliable payment

Muestras gratis

Free samples

We always include free samples

Any doubt?